Smart Education Lab

smart-education-lab To make the teaching-learning process effective with innovative and meaningful use of technology, school has installed a Smart Education Lab comprising of well equipped projector rooms with digital content mapped with school curriculum. Students can learn difficult concepts by watching visuals and animations which make learning an enjoyable experience for them while improving their overall academic performance in school.

Science Laboratories

science-laboratories-1 Inorder to strengthen the base of students, they need practical knowledge of the subject. For that the School has well equipped Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Maths and Laboratories for imparting thorough practical knowledge to the students.These labs, have been beautifully designed to satisfy the queries of young minds & their thrust for research & innovation.

Computer Laboratories

computer-lab An required by global needs in the field of Information Technology and Communications, the students need practical knowledge of the computers and Internet. For that the School has well equipped Computer Laboratories for imparting hand on practical knowledge experience to the students. These labs have been equiped with modern and upto date periphirals to satisfy the queries of young minds & their thrust for research & innovation. 


library Library is a store house of knowledge. It is the heart & soul of an educational institution. A school without library is a man without brain. Our school has a magnificent Library. It has spacious and well lighted library where in 6000 books are available. The library has a well equipped reference section & has seating capacity of 40 students at a time. The school contributes to about 10 News Papers & Periodicals.


transport The School owns its own fleet of buses to carry the village students from their houses. In addition Van Services are provided for city students.