• Temple & Yagyashala
  • Class Rooms
  • Laboratories, Indoor & Outdoor Games and Activity Halls
  • Yoga and Meditation Hall
  • Kids Play Grounds
  • Pre-Primary Classes
  • Pre-Primary Classes
  • Rakhi Making Competition
  • Rakhsha Bandhan Celebrations
  • Gayatri Mahayagya SantSamelan (2014-15)
  • International Yoga Day Celebrations on 21.06.2015
  • Temple & Yagayashala
  • Front View Brahmrishi Mission Sr. Sec. School, Abohar

H.H. Brahmrishi Vishvatma Bawra Ji Maharaj

Founder Brahmrishi Mission School, Abohar

bawrajiBRAHMRISHI MISSION SCHOOL offers such pattern of education which includes Indian cultural heritage and modern scientific achievement to make the personality of a child in a healthy & sound way. The school stands for imparting high-quality education where a wide emphasis is laid on the national and moral aspect which is lacking in our present educational set up. I am sure that BRAHMRISHI MISSION SCHOOL will be the citadel of an ideal education which would integrate the achievements of an ancient spiritual culture with the discipline of modern sciences. It offers a systematic education in science, the wisdom of our ancient rishis and involving moral perspective on achievements of science in the modern age. I wish Educational Centres started by the Mission may become a source of inspiration to the thinkers of the world and herald the beginning of a real education. It is on you, my helpers and well-wishers to realize this idea. So, in all humility, I appeal to my countrymen and the people of all countries to contribute whichever way they can, to bring these institutes into existence to save our culture and moral values of life.

Leading with wisdom and integrity

Brahmrita, Managing Director
Brahmrishi Mission Sr. Sec. School, Abohar

didi-jiI take this opportunity to thank the Almighty for leading and guiding us for the last twelve years. The school believes in imparting value added education that will bring forth an overall development of the students. To implement this, our school inculcates physical, intellectual, moral and social values in the minds of students so as to transform them into greater personalities. Our system of education is a blend of theory and practice in the right proportion to arrive at a comprehensive curriculum. Our school has a strong team of experienced staff who are devoted, dedicated and committed to the cause of Education. Everyone here toils to make this arena a congenial one. We do our best to prepare the students to be confident & tension free. We strive to equip them with courage to face challenges they may come across. Our emphasis is on 'man-making'. The all-round development is not a mere rhetoric, we honestly mean it and scrupulously practise it. For that, we need to continuously educate ourselves with inputs from everywhere so as to raise happy, healthy & competitive children. Efforts are so directed as to develop in them consciousness towards social obligation, appreciation of Indian art, culture, music, theatre, dance and yoga, together with computer literacy and understanding importance of physical fitness as these combine to form the hardcore of a well-balanced personality.

We are committed to providing multidisciplinary education through innovation to develop valuable life skills, to help them become independent, resilient and confident individuals, inspire them to come out of their comfort zones and confidently face uncertainties and challenges in future, to enable them successfully pursue the path of academic brilliance and achieve new milestones.

Being strictly in consonance with C B S E syllabi & curriculum, the school is committed to explore the rich potentialities of students by affording them every feasible facility in the school.

If you appreciate values of life, join us & feel proud of your being in this divine abode. Let every taught of the school be an example of sacrifice & service to the society & nation at large.

May GOD shower his choicest blessings on all of you.

What we teach at B.M.S. is very much the same as taught everywhere but how we teach

From Principal's Desk

Principal Nand Kishore

At the outset, I would like to avail this opportunity to pay gratitude to Almighty for blessing me with the opportunity of being a part of this prestigious Institution founded by Reverend Gurudev Brahmrishi Vishwatma Bawra Ji Maharaj with the noble cause of offering the society a pattern of education that is a blend of ancient cultural values and modern scientific outlook. I promise myself to take the legacy left by the great man and forward sincerely, diligently and conscientiously under the able guidance of school’s Managing Director Hon’ble Swami Brahmrita Ji.

If there is one thing that can change the world, it is education and schools are the pillars of formal education. The focus of our school is all-round development of every child scholastically and co-scholastically. We offer our students pollution free lush green natural environment where they can flourish like flowers. Meditation, Yoga, Sports and Value Education are part and parcel of our curriculum. Various religious and cultural activities are organised from time to time and our students bag prestigious awards at different levels.

Our emphasis is to make children learn the value of hard work, diligence, sincerity and self-sufficiency so that when they leave this arena to join competitive world they are mentally, physically and emotionally strong enough to face the uncertainties and challenges in life bravely.

I will conclude with the words of an eminent scholar “Education is a shared commitment between dedicated teachers, motivated students and enthusiastic parents with high values together.” lets teach them the importance of values and attributes like kindness, honesty, generosity, humility, optimism, perseverance, tolerance and more…..so that they create a beautiful world around them. Together, we can make a difference!

- Swami Shreya Bharti



In next three years, the school will improve English Speaking Skills of the students at all the stages providing access to updated Language Lab and by the formation of Communication Club. 

By 2022, the school will spread awareness among students about Indian Cultural Heritage making them proud of being an Indian.